Friday, July 21, 2006


This entry is for the person I share music with - thank you for the birthday song. I know you like this song, too.

+ Music: Aimee Mann - Wise up (listen)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


So here's the answer.... ;P

+ Music: Kokia - Hello Passing Days

Monday, July 17, 2006

Shopping for the Significant Other

I know, I know... The cheapo background and lack of finishing - my trademarks :P I just got tired of drawing it -_- I got the idea for the drawing while reading a book about advertising and the type of ideas they convey (and also now one person knows that the stuff you say is always going to end up biting you in the ass - yes, you know who you are :P).

The Book: Heterotehdas: televisiomainonta sukupuolituotantona by Leena-Maija Rossi

I know it sounds super boring but it was actually pretty interesting.


Tiedän, et pitäis enemmän viimeistellä, mutta ei jaksa *_* Laiskuus. En ees jaksa samoja juttuja suomeks kirjottaa xD

+ Music: Bonnie Pink - Private Laughter (watch&listen)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Going Out: the French Connection Party

A friend got a VIP pass to a party so I generously offered to tag along :P It was fun, though, they played nice music and had DJs from France and whatnot. They could've played reggae and reggaeton music a little more, though.

You can read the comic by clicking the picture. The pictures are taken with a crappy digicam...


Kaveri pääsi vippinä sisään pirskeisiin, arvatakaa kuka tuppautui mukaan ;D Hauskaa oli ja musiikkikaan ei ihan huonoimmasta päästä - reggae/reggaeton puolta olis kyl vähän enemmän voinu olla...

+ Music: Halcali - Giri giri safuraida (watch&listen)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Yes, please?

I wasn't able to finish this one because my computer is acting up (too hot, I guess). But here's a half finished pink moon drawing for you in any case.


Piti tehdä valmiiksi, mutta tietokone ei tykkää kuumasta ja ryppyilee... Pöh. Olisin kyllä halunnu vähän enemmän tätä piirtää, mutta minkäs teet.

+ Music: Nick Drake - Pink Moon (watch&listen)