Thursday, January 25, 2007


Now I have test results to proove that I'm nice! Interaction with other people hasn't quite prooved that yet... ¬_¬ Also, I am now a prooved kodama. The page said only 5% got the same result as I did, I'm nto quite sure if that's a good thing or not! ^^;

Another funny thing is that I got my real zodiac sign as the zodiac sign test result - guess there's some truth in the sign descriptions after all.

Quiz Result Provided By: Quiz Result Provided By:

What Forest Creature Are You?

What is Your Anime Zodiac?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

I think this song has nice lyrics :)

+ Music: Jippu - Kii (listen)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Thank yous

Yesterday I got the bestest gift ever! Thank you so much! ^-^ I almost got a heart attack when I opened the package *_* It's the prettiest and most useful book you could ever think of - it's going to be my beauty bible from now on. The book has all sorts of people in it I already knew from before like Jason Brooks, Kirsten Ulve, Arthur de Pins, Marguerite Sauvage, Berto martinez, Nico etc etc plus all the new ones! I couldn't think of any other gift right now that would top it...

Another book I can recommend (in order to make your day immediately better) is this.

+ Music: The cardigans - Carnival (watch&listen)

Friday, January 12, 2007

It's not all bad

Sometimes things just sort of happen. I guess. Or maybe it's most of the time.

+ Music: The Killers - When You Were Young (watch&listen)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

so i say...

Now it's a bit more ready. Hm... yeah... That's it!

+ Music: The Cardigans - Hey! Get Out of My Way

Today.. or yesterday?

Saw a girl with silver hair yesterday. Maybe? my memory isn't as good as it used to be. Oh, okay... It was never all that good. I once forgot how old I am - how convenient! But in any case, I got hungry so I didn't finish this.

I like this song a lot. It's one of TBG's best known and on top of that it's instrumental but I like it for some reason.

+ Music: The Brilliant Green - French Girl

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Part one

Part one of this year's resolution done: I went to see a gig yesterday. One of the bands was good, so the gig was okay. Will definitely have to do this again. You can listen to the band's music by clicking the link.

+ Music: Tinker - Unlucky Charm (listen)

Saturday, January 06, 2007


An equation:

a= I collect ribbons, broken necklaces and just about anything you can think of for later use. This means I have a very cluttered jumblebox and the things in it have usually managed to work themselves into a huge scrap ball that I have to sort out whenever I need something.

b= I can't survive long periods of time without having some meaningless "art" project going on



c= my room is full of stupid stuff like this:

Music: Mariska - Murha (watch&listen)

Friday, January 05, 2007


Since I don't have anything of my own to post today, I'll promote a Finnish band instead. What? Be a bit more original...? This is my space! Nyah.

+ Music: The Dance - 40 songs (listen)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

? ? ?

So, a new year is here. Feels a bit strange, doesn't it? People make such a fuss about it and yet you feel pretty much the same as you did the day before - how exciting! I don't usually make any New Year's resolutions but I think this year I will and promise myself to go see atleast one gig a month. I think that project shouldn't be too difficult. Maybe.... .... ...

+ Music: Kill The Young - Addiction (watch&listen)