Thursday, September 28, 2006


Just a small thing I did just for the sake of being able to call my blog a sketchblog ^^; I was sampling Kenzo Amour today, it smells quite nice...

+ Music: Pizzicato Five - Twiggy Twiggy (watch&listen)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Notes vol. ??

Useful notes for future teachers:

- do not tell about your hobbies
- always stand behind your desk
- do not hide your religious beliefs or opinions on politics
- be careful not to get to know your students too well
- laugh heartily atleast once during class (my favourite! :DD)
- make fun of students who will not stay quiet

I took these form my exam book. They are examples of questionable pieces of advice given to teacher trainee by their supervising teachers. As you can see, you learn many many useful things at school... ;D


Kyllä opettajakoulussa jotain aina oppii:

- tee rauhanhäiritsijät naurunalaisiksi
- älä kerro omista harrastuksistasi
- seiso opettajanpöydän takana
- älä salaa poliittista kantaasi tai uskonnollista vakaumustasi
- varo tekemästä lähempää tuttavuutta oppilaisiisi
- naura makeasti ainakin kerran tunnilla (ehdottomasti paras neuvo! :DD )

Että sellasia esimerkkejä didaktiikan kirjasta ;D No, ne oli kyllä kategoriassa "arveluttavia neuvoja", mutta jotkut harjottelijat oli ilmeisesti ihan oikeasti saanu tollasia ohjeita.... Siitä se lähtee ;D

Monday, September 11, 2006

( ... )

Haven't felt like drawing much lately but maybe sometime soon - that's what school does to you :P

I'm pretty sure my flatmates are secretly wanting to kill me for playing this song over and over. But I like it ♥ ♥ ♥

+ Music: Tommy February6 - Love Is Forever (watch&listen)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I was watching Kept today and it reminded me why tv is sometimes worth watching. In the show Jerry Hall took "the boys" to a yoga session and went herself to see her ayurvedic doctor (or something similar). Ms Hall then revealed to us all that her doctor had said she had "too much wind in her brain" which consequently "disrupted her thinking". Maybe that's the ayuvedic definition of an airhead.

She must be a pretty smart lady, though, for making all that money. Or maybe Mick was just too doped up to remember to sign the prenup. Hm... Do we see a pattern forming here...? :P

You're so...

You're so sexy, sexy, sexy... I need your love, I need no hesitation. :D

Sometimes you feel bored, just like that. Hm... or is it most times? ^^; Well, you decide!

+ Music: French Affair - Sexy (watch&listen)

Sunday, September 03, 2006


The New York Fugshion Week: Vincent Gallo


The first time I saw his picture, I thought he looked pretty creepy. But then again, I so very often have similar thoughts when I look into the mirror every morning.

After all, it takes one to know one ♥