Thursday, June 29, 2006

What do you see?

This what you get when you first draw a random line and start developing it a bit further. Drawing like this is fun... You can get a thousand results. Oh, and good music is a must.


Ensin epämääräinen testi ja siitä eteenpäin. Lisään pitää sekoittaa hyvää musiikkia, muuten menee pieleen.

+ Music: Pearl Jam - Alive (watch&listen)

Monday, June 26, 2006


My pc has been acting up so I haven't been able to draw much... Shucks. I was also pointed out that unregistered persons can't post comments on my blog. Well, posters anonoymous, you can now. Not that I expect that fatc to increase the number of comments anyway ;D

p.s. thank you for letting me know

+ Music: Michael Gray - The Weekend ( watch& listen)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Âllo, âllo!

Since it's way too hot to draw anything and Midsummer is just around the corner, I'll just leave you with some helpful and very informative advice of Ali G conserning drugs.

+Music: Prologue - My Appletree (listen )

Monday, June 19, 2006

So there's this guy I know...

So here we (née I) are again - tadah! Nothing special today either and I'm too lazy to think of anything interesting to say. Either that or then the zillion muffins I just ate are slowing down my thinking :P


Täällä sitä taas ollaan nettitilaa tuhlaamssa. Joku ihmeellinen leipomiskausi iski, koska tein tänään mustikkamuffinsseja ja tietty niitä piti sit naamaan tunkea sellane määrä ettei ajatus enää jaksa kulkea. Sellasta se on ku ei voi ohjetta puolittaa :P

+ Music: Kings of Convenience - I'd Rather Dance with You ( listen )

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Went to see a gig yesterday, it was nice. One of the bands was called Prologue, you can listen to their music here. I also tried to do some baking today but my cake didn't turn out quite right - it stubbornly refused to be served! After some rough handling with a knife it was more co-operative, though :P


Eilen oltiin keikalle - ihan hyvää musaa oli. Ylläolevasta linkistä kun uskaltaa klikata niin pääsee kuuntelemaan eilistä musaa. Yritin leipuroida tänään, mutta ei kyllä ihan onnistunut... Tais unohtua mantraamatta se "älä tule paha kakku, tule hyvä kakku", koska paakelsi juuttui vuokaan kiinni :P

+ Music: Jeff Hanson - Hiding Behind the Moon (listen)